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Monday 26 September 2011

Character Design - 'Western Culture' - Spirits

Myself and three other students, (forgive me, I don't know anyone's name yet), worked as a group and were set the task of creating a game based on certain genres, we decided on, 'Western Culture'. After some deliberation, we decided on a story based on the role of a Mexican immigrant, who takes drugs and slowly begins hallucinating: He starts seeing weird and unusual things around him, but  it is soon realised that he is not hallucinating, but witnessing real spirits.

Below are some research images form the web, primarily to give the group inspiration for the character designs.
Spirit and Western Culture - Research Websites

Picture9/Native Indian Woman:

Rudimentary Sketches of American-Indian Spirits 

These are extremely rudimentary sketches of what the spirit that the Mexican sees might look like.
I have tried to epitomise the, 'American-Indian Culture.'
But, as I say, these are only initial and rough sketches and the task was just an intro.


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